Today I’m guest posting for Sean over at My Money Wizard. Sean truly is a money wizard: he’s a twenty something who saved $100,000 by the time he was 25 and is on pace to retire in his thirties. He definitely has his financial house in order, and he is a great writer. His site is highly entertaining and extremely informative.
Sean recently decided to tie the knot with his girlfriend, so I decided that a post of personal appeal to him would be highly appropriate. Head over to My Money Wizard to read my advice on How to Vet Your Future Spouse. It’s super romantic.
While you’re over at My Money Wizard, you should sample his wares. Some of my favorites include:
- How to Earn $101,200 per year and pay ZERO taxes – unless you want to work forever, this is your guide to optimizing the tax code
- The Only 3 Expenses that Matter for Saving Serious Cash – get these right, you’re golden; get them wrong, you’re gonna have problems
- What I Learned Living in a Million Dollar Home for 3 Weeks – spoiler alert: he was not impressed
If You’re Visiting From My Money Wizard:
Thanks for stopping by!
If you enjoyed my post over at MMW, please check out some of my other work:
- I write a good bit about the joys of home ownership, and somehow my hot take on why A Swimming Pool Is A Terrible Investment is my most popular post of all time.
- Many people dive straight into saving a massive pile of money but don’t ask why. When I laid out my Personal Finance Basics, I tried to take a step back first.
- My Money Wizard is headed to a very early (and very real) retirement, but sadly, he won’t come close to being the youngest retiree ever. I dove deep into the FIRE movement and found The World’s Youngest Retiree (so far).
- Despite some financial success, I still have pretty modest tastes, which I explore in I’m Glad I’m Not Robert Parker.
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